The new book
Очень Солидное Издание. Алёна Дергилёва «НАРИСОВАННАЯ МОСКВА» Издательская программа Правительства Москвы. Отпечатано в ИПК “Парето-Принт”, 264 страницы, формат 70х100/8, Ищите со среды на non/fiction, стенд К-33, издательство “Контакт-Культура”. А пока – в книжном магазине “Москва” на Тверской, там самая хорошая цена.
The whole exhibition is for sale!
Reproductions of the watercolor artworks are printed on high quality German watercolor paper in a single copy under the supervision of the artist, Alena Dergileva. All reproductions have the specially selected wood frames with the plastic glass. They are pretty big though not heavy. Those artworks might be a nice addition for the design of
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31/01/17 Alena Dergileva is elected a full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Arts
The regular session of the presidency of the Russian Academy of Arts was held in Moscow on 31th of january 2017 . The session covered the issues pertaining to the current activity of the Academy. There was also the official ceremony, some artists and cultural workers became the full members of the Academy including Alena
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Авторский календарь “Москва и Подмосковье” на 2016 год
По вопросам покупки обращайтесь:
“Сумма мнений”: Художница Алена Дергилева. Екатеринбург-ТВ (февраль 2015)
Сюжет телеканала Екатеринбург-ТВ – “Сумма мнений”: Художница Алена Дергилева. Красота из подворотни. Акварель: “Дом мещанина И.Рязанова в Старом Екатеринбурге”
Alena Dergiliova The Exibitor Of The Salon “ART EN CAPITAL” France, Paris, 2014
I was born in a one-story merchant house at Taganka. The house stood on the corner of Vorontsov street which still had trams back then, and Mayakovsky alley. The end of that alley was once home of poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. My grandmother told me how she met him on the street many times, with a
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Выставка «Прикосновение к Турку / Kosketus Turkuun» Финляндия, Турку, 30.05-29.06.2014
Прикосновение к Турку,